Signed copies available in the Craft Leftovers’ Shop.

Craft Leftovers Zines
The Craft Leftovers zine was originally made from deep gratitude to my readers. Back in 2007 leading up to being a panelist at a BlogHer conference, I was posessed with a notion I needed to show up in a handmade dress. I sewed up a storm and in three days time had a dress (that I still love to this day), made out of a vintage bedsheet. Fabulous! But when I returned home and tried to sew something else, my machine was completely kaput. I put out a call to my readers, does anyone have an old machine, does any one want to donate towards the Craft Leftovers Sewing Machine fund? Well, a reader reached out and donated a Baby Loc Encore – a Wonderful machine I still use – and other readers donated just enough to cover the cost to ship it. Amazing. Still in college and doing the baked potato ramen thing, there was no way I could pay back this generous act, so I this wild idea. I created a little zine and craft kit bundle just for her and shipped it out once a month for a year. Then I thought “well, I made this thing, I might as well print off a few”. Craftzine picked it up, they sold out, and became my primary occupation for nearly five years. How many folks can say they paid off their student loans with zines? I continue to be grateful every day for those who supported me through that formative time in my life.
The zine went on hiatus when I became pregnant and was hired as a curator for an art center back in 2012. I always wanted to return to it, I had a pile of patterns and illustrations set aside. I loved making it and it’s a project that still rings true. In 2019 I made the first new issue in 7 years. I’m happily (and slowly) crafting up issue 5.2.
Volumes by first glance are by year, but it’s more about format. When the format changes, the volume changes.
Box Sets and single issues available in the Craft Leftovers Shop.

Mini Zines 2007 – Current
Little one off zines on craft and other DIY topics.