Spring Fling :: Part II


Of course the first step of any pattern is getting your measurements correct. Using the Measure for Measure section, I pin pointed my size as a medium.


Under Molly’s studious watch, I traced all my pieces for the skirt as the pattern specified.




I left enough room on the outer edge of the skirt pieces to add on some extra to make it flare a little more (in theory).


I marked an inch from the bottom edge and drew a line from the top point (the top of the waist line) to the new bottom.


Then I placed the front piece over the back piece and traced the new edge so they will be exactly the same. I also made sure to add new notch marks on the new edge of the skirt so I can line them up.


And then I finished cutting the rest of the pieces out. I left the waist facing the same, but now I’m wondering if maybe I should trace the lines out for the facing too so it matches because I want to attach the facing to the outside of the skirt with some contrasting fabric. If it stays on the inside I’ll leave it as is.

That’s all for now. I’ll cut out the fabric and sew it all together tomorrow, hopefully it will turn out super cute. If not, well, that’s okay, I’ll just try again :)

See you soon!

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