Classes Suspended

A few things. Thank you so much to everyone who commented with their warm wishes and caring thoughts. When I wrote the post I was still feeling okay. It’s strange how much things sink in over time. I’ve been okay, but still more shaken than I originally thought. I was kind of looking forward to getting back to school, seeing my friends, feeling kind of “normal” again. Then my mom called me tonight and told me that classes weren’t resuming until the 25th and the semester will be extended by a week. It’s kind of hard to take in. I’m kind of grateful for the time to decompress. You can see what they are saying about stuff here and here.

So I’ve decided to go to my parents tomorrow and reassure my mom that everything will be okay, she is still pretty shook up. Not being able to reach me because of my phone being out of service really freaked her out. Also I just haven’t been able to make it back to their place since Christmas and they are missing me.

With that news up front I have the new schedule for stuff this week.

The pattern for this weekend will go up tomorrow morning evening (i didn’t realize that my aunt is heading back to florida at 3, so i need to leave sooner rather than later) and the March issue of clm will go in the shop on Tuesday morning and be in the shop until Saturday morning. It’s going to be pretty good, so make sure to pick one up this month if you don’t already have a subscription.

See you in the morning!

++ Kristin Roach ++

One thought on “Classes Suspended

  1. I hope you gave you mom and dad a big hug, a forever one…(I woud have cryed a lot)….It is a great realief when we are to be able to be in safe ground again..nothing better than to be in the arms of the people that love you just because you came to the world…nothing are there in their arms. Enjoy this moment forever….Bless you and all your the other students of your university.

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