I’m an idiot

So I forgot my laptop charger at home while dashing out the door and of course my computer died before I could get the pattern up. Geeze. It will go up tomorrow when I get home first thing. Sorry! Geeze.

2 thoughts on “I’m an idiot

  1. Hey don’t be hard on yourself….too much happened around you…Don’t be silly it is just a pattern ( that I always love by the way)…Life is beautiful and mistakes are welcomed! Enjoy every single minute of it!

  2. I agree with Anary – don’t be too hard on yourself! I know that you have this internal schedule thing…just remember, it’s wonderful of you to share your creative energy with the world – WHEN YOU CAN! Don’t let yourself get caught up in the “I should” game. By the way, your fingerless gloves are knitting up beautifully! Wheee!

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