A Place to Mend in May

Gather up those textiles you’ve been meaning to work on and join me for some creative social fun. Bring any projects to work on, ie.. knitting, crochet, needle work, whatever.

5:30 – 8:00pm

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

Octagon Center for the Arts, 2nd Floor Studio


$5 suggested donation for mending help from myself & Octagon Staff

Ages 21+ (Feel free to bring your favorite beverage; alcoholic or non-alcoholic)

Mending is that bridge between creative worlds. Whether a hobbiest or professional, we all have something to share, contribute, and a sock with a hole. For those of us that are a little more quiet, it gives us a task to keep attentive to and help with any social anxiety. For those of us a little more outgoing, it gives a way to share our skills and stories with others.

If you are around Ames, join us at the Octagon Center for the Arts for the May Place to Mend. Can’t make it this month, mark your calendar… turns out this is turning into a monthly thing most 4th Thursdays of the month.

Until Next Time…

Kristin M Roach