Snow Day: Getting Back to the Studio


I am so happy I live in an apartment right now. You know why? I’m bundled in a quilt with a cup of coffee and eating warm spoon fulls of oat bran with apples and honey. Outside my sidewalks are shoveled and my feet are not even wet. When we woke up a path had been completely cleared to our door. What was a 3 foot snow pile over the side walk is now 4 feet next to it. And all the cars are dug out. Hooray! I might still have to put on some thermals and go dig out the wheels so I can get down to the studio. That is much less work than digging a path to the car, digging the car out, then digging a path for the car to get out of the parking area. I am happy. 

No orders went out yesterday – we literally could not even walk to our mail box, let alone the studio and then post office, but I’m hopeful we will be able to get down to the studio and ship everything out in a timely fashion. 

I’ll be back later today with a leftover craft related post. It’s a toss up between a book review and the tree skirt I’ve been working on, we will see how it turn out. 

Oh and one more thing. Do you notice that it is only 9am and I’m posting this directly after I wrote it? Most likely not, but that’s okay, here’s why this is good. Something really great came from being snowed in. Because I putzed around the house all day, by the time 11:30 rolled around I just, gasp, went to bed! So I’ve been up since 7:30, amazing! Hopefully this is a bit of a turn around for me. I’ve been staying up way too late this past month and it’s been making me crabby. Here’s to a less crabby me!

See you again really soon!

3 thoughts on “Snow Day: Getting Back to the Studio

  1. This looks a lot like appartment view, as well! Welcome in the “Snowed in, Gang”, Kristen! ^-^

    Good for you to get earlier to bed! It really helps to get some nice sleep… perhaps I should listen to my own comment, here. lol.

  2. I really miss snow. I don’t miss shoveling it but the rest of it makes me homesick.

    Good luck getting to the studio in the next few days.

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