Switching up Live-Stream to Pre-Recorded + Schemes

Just wanted to send a quick message out to let you know I’m pausing live streaming for the rest of the year. I’m working on some really exciting projects right now and as they ramp up, I need more time to get them going.

One of the challenges live streaming has been presenting since I moved into our new home is the low quality internet at the house. Live streaming at my office has not quite worked out yet.

So I’ve got some plans… of course. Here is what I’m up to:

  1. Pre-recording and posting my real-time mending videos. I think this will allow me to follow my creative impulse in a more genuine way and make it into a more enjoyable experience while crafting + a more polished experience while viewing.
  2. Trying out an audio only podcast. A podcast’s podcast. And maybe what happens is I combine these two things — I pair my audio with my crafting videos I’m creating.
  3. Converting out of print zines into pdfs for Ko-fi folks as well as available for purchase on Craft Leftovers.
  4. My book! I’m working on it! You can follow my progress on https://kristinmroach.substack.com/
  5. Little Woods Herbal is ramping up… oh do I have schemes. It’s been really exciting to see it flourish — year 10 since I started the online store, year 7 since opening the brick and mortar. I feel like I’m really hitting my stride here.

Anyway, I didn’t want to just ghost ya. I’m still thinking of you, miss ya, and can’t wait to share more craft and craft biz with you… just in a different form.

Until Next Time…
Kristin M Roach

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