Spring Chicks on the Little Woods Homestead

Saturday was pretty action packed. While I was at the local American Sewers Guild meeting giving a presentation on Mend it Better (more on that when I get some pictures from the organizers), Jason and our friend Mike was picking up our order of chicks!

We got two of each.

Light Brahmas | Image source: Murray McMurray Hatchery
New Hampshire Reds | Image source: Murray McMurray Hatchery
Speckled Sussex | Image source: Murray McMurray Hatchery
Blue Cochins | Image source: Murray McMurray Hatchery
Araucana | Image source: Murray McMurray Hatchery

While it’s sad to see the older ladies go… Yeah… chicken stew this weekend… It’s always fun to get a new flock of baby chicks, they are sooooo cute. Soft little peeping. And we now know enough about chicks that we were able to figure out which were which (thanks Andrea!) so instead of keeping 20 all together, we separated them out to a much more manageable number of 10 for us and 10 for them (Andrea and Mike).

Sadly, one came down with what we think was sour crop so we are already down to 9. The rest seem to be holding strong, super happy and healthy and peeping.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden this past week, so I’ll take you on a tour of it later this week.

Until Next Time!