First published in 2009, these are mitts I still use and continue to be a favorite for foraging, photography, and hiking in the snowing northern winters. This revision I’m adding a new photo to give better context to the naming. Enjoy!
Kristin M Roach 1/1/21

I wear fingerless mittens so my fingers can be fidgety while wearing them and warm. It never fails that while I can use my fingers without gloves, my hands are freaking cold. No more. Taking inspiration from my nerdy star trek loving side, I made fingerless mittens that make my hands feel like Riker’s must have while disguised as a Malcorian.

Yes I did look it up, I’m not so entrenched in it that I remembered off hand. As an added bonus, I came across the name of the nurse Riker had a “close encounter” with, which is who the pattern is named after.
Yep, you can say it…N.E.R.D. It’s okay, it’s fun, hehe. I made these with some remnants of a seemingly unending supply of Tatamy Tweed and some handspun I worked up a year ago. So glad to finally find a use for both.
Have a great weekend and happy crocheting! Kristin
I am loving the Trek references. That alone might sway me to this one. That and I really need another pair of mitts. These will be perfect for typing, paging through magazines and drinking coffee out of my 865 Star Trek coffee mugs. I’m going to go download this and link as well. Engage.
thanks for the download. I can’t wait to try these. I wish I could sit and start making them today.
I LOVE this! I have been looking every where for a pattern.We heat by fireplace so my fingers get cold when I craft, these are just the thing I wanted!Thank you for this tut :)
Why can’t I pull up the instructions for the Lanel’s fingerless mitts? I printed it probably 4/5 yrs ago and seem to be missing some of the instructions. I would like to make some more of these fingerless mittens because my daughter likes them so much.
Thank you for letting me know the pattern was missing. I’ve recovered it and added it back in. You can download the pdf of the complete pattern for free again. Most posts were a-okay when we recovered the blog after the epic server crash, there are a few where weird things are going on and they’ve been like needles in the hay stack to find.
Thank you so much, now I can begin to make my daughter some new mitts.
Wonderful! If you post it on twitter on instagram, tag @craftleftovers and I’ll retweet it ;)