Sucked into Sewing

I’ll post in the morning. I just realized it was past midnight when infomercials clicked on – no workout needed! flat abs in 15 minutes a day! The plan was to post pictures of what I was sewing once finished, but time just got away from me. I’m happy to say though I just have button holes to make and buttons to sew on and then I’ll be finished up! I’ll post about it all tomorrow. It actually should be a pretty good post, so check back tomorrow around 3pm… oh and the whole sucked into sewing thing post poned the shop update too. You know what though, I don’t feel bad about it at all. I know I took last week off and all, but it was traveling around and you know how that goes. It felt good just to spend all evening in the studio. Anyway, anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Have a good night!