Thrift Kitchen: Using up Halloween Candy Leftovers


A proud score of candy the night of Halloween can soon turn into a straggly bowl of the unfavorite candies and chocolates. Or maybe your score so huge you are still overflowing with a bucket full of your favorites. Maybe you bought a ton expecting many tricker treaters and it rained. However it happened, after a week of munching on candy non stop, you must be getting sick of all the candy sweets. I know I sure am! Here are some great ideas to refresh your candy stash into baked good and other delicious treats. 

Blisstree shares her favorite baked good recipes on her blog – the first one in the list sounds wonderful!

Delish has a great selection of 5 recipes made from candy corn, peppermint patties and other delicious halloween favorites. They have a longer list of recipes for halloween candy too

Recipes4Living has a comprehensive list of recipes made with candy. Candy candy candy! (thinking back to garfield there)

And the favorite round up I found of Halloween candy ideas was from Babett’s Feast (’s blog), they have the Top 10 Things to do with Leftover Halloween Candy. I especially love the last one – or the #1 idea really – pass on the candy to your local pantry – it is such a special treat to get things like candy and fancy cereals when you are a kid who’s family is down on their luck. You can find your food pantry in your area by going to There are so many families in need, in every town. Sharing is the best! 

Happy yum yum candy days!

ps – I’ll have a more standard yummy healthy thrift kitchen recipe to post next week :)

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