Home Redress: Final Moving, Unpacking, and Making Room

This past weekend was not a weekend for projects. Instead, it was the final push to get 100% out of the apartment + get it super cleaned up for the new folks moving in. We tried our best, but, wow, was that carpet a mess–from before we even moved in.

Our basic plan was to smash everything into the garage and the spare bedroom:
That was Thursday and Friday’s work.

Over the weekend I started going through boxes, just a few. Each day I’m trying to move a few things in from the garage and the spare room. At this slow but steady pace, hopefully our house will soon be a well organized home.



{Sloane is not happy about being in the cage while I’m in the room. She knows it’s play time in the morning.}

The room the ferrets are in is pretty clear so I started getting it set up. Then at least I can let out the ferrets and hang out with them and read, knit, fold laundry, or work on stuff.

I’m hoping to get the other spare room cleared out quickly so Jason can get it set up for himself. Seems only fair.

Projects for the coming weekend: pillows for the kitchen chairs, fixing the hose, filling some flower pots with herbs, and, hopefully, digging that fire pit.

Fun projects vs moving crap around soon!


3 thoughts on “Home Redress: Final Moving, Unpacking, and Making Room

  1. Great progress! You need to come help us move ;) I'm in love with your house and I can't wait to see what you add to it!

  2. Boy, I can relate. We are downsizing into a smaller house, a process that has involved garage sales, generous giveaways, consignment, and building a shed on the new property. Most of the rooms are now clear of boxes, some of them even finished (if there is such a thing). My sewing room is the exception. It is piled to the ceiling with book and fabric boxes.

    Enjoy your new house. It is beautiful and you are so fortunate to have family to help you make it into a home. Your enthusiam is inspiring me. Keep posting!!!

  3. Boy, I can relate. We are downsizing into a smaller house, a process that has involved garage sales, generous giveaways, consignment, and building a shed on the new property. Most of the rooms are now clear of boxes, some of them even finished (if there is such a thing). My sewing room is the exception. It is piled to the ceiling with book and fabric boxes.

    Enjoy your new house. It is beautiful and you are so fortunate to have family to help you make it into a home. Your enthusiam is inspiring me. Keep posting!!!

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