little woods homestead

First Harvest!

There is nothing better than cucumbers and radishes fresh from the garden with Tarragon Apple Cider Vinegar! Hooray to first harvests! (SO good in fact that I chowed down the whole bowl before remembering to take a pictures). I grew my cucumbers and radishes using this picture over on Inside Urban […]

little woods homestead - redress

Little Woods Homestead Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated you on the status of the “farm”, so I thought I would take this week where I’m focusing all my creativity on getting the next zine finished and out the door, to show you around a bit and give you the updates.

Backyard Chickens

book review

Book Review: Unexpected Crochet for the Home

I was initially attracted to Unexpected Crochet For The Home by its cover: those funky gourds holding citrus fruits. I am definitely one to judge a book by its cover and this time the inside did not disappoint. While I know there’s nothing new under the sun, I’d never thought […]