And the Winner is!

Bridget of Portland is the proud new owner of Re-Construct :: Eco Friendly Crafts Made Easy! Thank you so much for participating in the mail in giveaway.

She used a standard sized note card for her post card (great idea!) and wrote: “OHH! OOOH! I WANT ME A RECONSTRUCT DVD! :)” Your wish is my command! Hehe.

She is one creative lady too! You can check out her blog here and see all the neat stuff she’s up to. In fact, make sure to check out her bottle cap instillation – amazing! I’ve had similar thoughts on bottle caps too and really enjoy her solution for a seemingly useless material.

I have another giveaway idea in the mix… but I’m thinking that it will wait until next week. Maybe on Monday after Craft Leftovers Monthly goes out the door. Which reminds me, if you haven’t yet, go give the shop a look through.

Get a 3 Month subscription

or 1 Month subscription

or the July Zine only.

And make sure to check out the Zine and Mini Book section of the shop for all the back issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly – I just added February, January, and December for the first time!


Happy Crafting!

One thought on “And the Winner is!

  1. OMG!!! I’m way behind on my blog reading, and just saw that “Bridget in Portland” had won the DVD – and my first thought was “who’s the other Bridget in Portland who has a crafty blog?” Imagine my surprise when I followed the link and it was MY blog! Of course, the next sentence about bottlecaps kind of gave it away, but I was impatient – so THANK YOU so much!! I am giddy with delight, and looking forward to getting it in the mail – Hugs, Bridget

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