We did our vacation in 5 phases. It was an awesome good time AND exhausting.
- Oktoberfest Triathlon.
- A few days in Galveston, Texas swimming in the ocean, eating candy, and eating amazing food.
- 5 Days with friends outside of Dallas.
- Backpacking in the Ozarks — the White Rock to Shores Lake loop (and back again).
- And then we got home, for 24 hours, and left again to spend the weekend with our parents.
We used spring water to cook with.
This is where we set up camp along the trail the first night.
At the summit there was a picnic area. It was the perfect place to take a few hours to eat, rest up, and stock up on water for the trip down. 6 miles to go!
As the crow flies, we were just 3 miles from where we started out. But as our feet took us it was about 7… mostly uphill.
This was our first time hiking the Ozark’s Highland Trail. We did the Shores Lake to White Rock Loop.
So there was this really pretty waterfall that was part of the trail. Well, at first we thought it would be no problem. It was about a inch of water and while the water was cold, it was about 65-70 outside. But then, with shoes in hand I started to walk across. It was slick! And that’s when I turned around and gave Jason that frown face. Or as he calls it, “the Beaker face”.
And then I walked back to regroup myself and have Jason put my shoes in my pack and his shoes his pack.
Then I finally crossed. I have no idea what kind of rock it was, but it some really smooth with ridges sticking up. The only way I was able to stay upright was to brace my feet against the ridges. Jason said he thought, “She’s just being a wuss, it can’t be that bad.” And then he took one step on to the wet rocks and was like “OH #&%)#”. Yeah, I wasn’t being a wuss, thank you very much. Think a soaped up marble floor + an inch of ice water. Maybe just think an inch of ice water over super smooth ice.
Anyway, we both made it. It was fun. Now that I’m across. We both said neither one of us would have done that except we absolutely had to so we could finish the hike and get back to the car.
We ended with a visit to our parents. Where my fam and I went on a corn maze adventure.
Finally we are home again.
I slept all this week… well I cleaned for a few hours and then slept. I cooked lunch and dinner most days, which I’m pretty proud of because I’m still beat and I hadn’t been to the grocery store after being gone for over 2 weeks. Jason said it was magic.
Anyway, I’m back. And I have a million ideas of things I want to make. And do. And I want to clean. And paint the house. And mow the lawn. And paint the bedroom. And weave a rug. And take Bob on walks. And crochet a baby blanket for my sister in law. And a million other things…
So now I need to organize my thoughts and decide my order of operation. I guess the first thing is to get the house cleaned up. And get some groceries so I can cook meals for us. And I need to make something, so I can have some good crafty stuff to post about.
I’ll get back to posting this week. I didn’t mean to lamps. I think I had some bad vacation hangover. It was pretty awesome fun.
Happy crafting!
Kristin Roach
It looks beautiful! Makes me feel like I want to hike right now.
Been a long time since I checked in! Glad to see you are doing well! Any exchanges this year? (Yeah, right, give me one more thing to do!) Your fall looks lovely! Visit me at my new mostly education blog…but some good food and crafts thrown in! Amy