Home Redress: A new home a new series!

Before it’s always been “Apartment Redress.” Now that we are living in a house, I’ll continue the redress projects in my home. :)

First though, I want to give you an overview of the place. Today’s post is going to show what it looks like now. As we fix things up, I’ll post about it.


I love our house. There are so many great things about it–like this sweet mashy jungle of a Japanese Quince Bush. It’s a wonderful bush to have. It was so pretty when we looked at the house in spring, but now it’s crazy out of control and needs pruning. I’m going to research it a ton and I’ll show you how I cut it back to something more manageable.


On to the porch. Wow I love it! I’ve always wanted a porch, but you know what would make it better? Some planter boxes, a new mail boxes, and a porch swing. That’s three fun woodworking projects right there.

Okay, I’m not going to go through the whole place and tell you everything I want to do. Here is the grand tour:

Check out the flickr set to read the comments about each picture. Like the picture of just grass – find out why that area of the yard is a hidden treasure.

Over the weekend I felt very wonderwoman-ish. Me. Kristin Roach. Unclogged a basement drain. Hooked up the dryer. Fixed the washer. Installed blinds. Put together the kitchen. Made 2 great meals. And mowed the lawn–a 2 hour ordeal with grass everywhere.

That’s all for today. Jason and I have some projects planned for the weekend so I’ll have plenty for show and tell on Tuesday. We’ve even joked about video recording some of our adventures and making a video podcast out of our adventures.

Happy crafting!

Kristin Roach

8 thoughts on “Home Redress: A new home a new series!

  1. Your house is adorable! It has so much character already and I can't wait to see what you do with it :))

  2. I would love to grow quince here. I thought it wouldn't work. Please report back! I think it's beautiful planted with forsythia!

    1. Ah ha! So that's what that other big shrubby thing is. Haha. I should take pictures of all the plants and see if you all can help me identify them :)

  3. Wow, your place is so big! Love all the built-ins and shelving. My old apartment had a lot of that kind of stuff, it's the one thing I miss in my new house. I had to go out and buy a lot of shelving units when we first moved in. Totally an even trade for getting two bathrooms, though. I'm jealous that you get shelving and two toilets!

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