clm - vol2

Craft Leftovers Monthly Zine: Volume 3, Issue 02!

Ah such sweet musings of late winter, crafting, and *haaaa-chooooooo*. Umm, excuse me…where was I…ah, yes . . .and being sick. Seriously, I’ve been fighting some kind of cold/sinus/ear/throat/infection since Christmas. It never fails that I get sick while I’m at my parents’. And, funny enough, my mom gets sick when she comes to visit us.

clm - vol2

February Craft Leftovers Monthly!

I’m happy to tell you that despite an ice storm, Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop! You can get this months issue here or sign up for a subscription here. Available in Print and Digital editions in the Craft Leftovers Shop.    This month is full of great tutorials, […]


February Craft Leftovers Monthly: Coming Soon!

{cover image for Feb pictured above} I am so happy to announce the release of Craft Leftovers Monthly Vol 2: Issue 2! You can buy a subscription to Craft Leftovers Monthly any time of the month. Starting tomorrow at noon central time, the February issue will be in the shop and […]


February CLM Submissions: Deadline Extension

Hi there everyone! I just wanted to put up a quick post about the February issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly. I’m going to go ahead and extend the deadline by 1 week to Sunday, November 8th midnight for submission ideas for the Feb issue of CLM. So not finished projects, […]