I am happy to announce two new kits and a redo of an older kit today! It’s been a long time coming because the before mentioned errors in the Cherry Chirp Pattern, but no more waiting, they are now available in the shop!
The Cherry Loves Honey kit (two pattern kit) is available here.
The Cherry Chirp Kit is available here.
The Honey Bunny Kit is available here.
The Kits are Sold Out, You can get the Free Cherry Chirp Pattern Here and the Honey Bunny Pattern is in the works of being re-added to the archive.

I really am happy to get these new kits in the shop. I’ve really been wanting to put them in there for a long time and it’s just taken a long time and I’m really excited to finally see it happen. It’s one be CHECK!!! on The To Do List checked off! Hooray!

It’s so strange how every time I go through the process of adding a new kit to the shop, I forget how much time it takes. The plan was to get them up this afternoon after I hung up fliers and have the rest of the evening to write up a fabulous book review. Here it is at just about midnight though, and well, I’m just done. Time for Bed!
There will be a great book review tomorrow as well as some links to similar resources/topics and my own adventures in the topic. So make sure to come check that out in the evening time.
See you soon! Happy Crafting!
Just SO cute !! I have baby things on my mind with two new arrivals .. one just last night.. Emma :-)
great auntie