clm - vol 3

Craft Leftovers Zine: Volume 3: Issue 3!

It’s finally here! The third issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop along with the third edition of Leftover Christmas!

Get this month’s issue in the shop

This month’s issue is all about spring turning to summer–gardening, cleaning up, and allergies! I don’t know about you, but my nose is going nuts with all the pollen around here.

book review

Book Review: Unexpected Crochet for the Home

I was initially attracted to Unexpected Crochet For The Home by its cover: those funky gourds holding citrus fruits. I am definitely one to judge a book by its cover and this time the inside did not disappoint. While I know there’s nothing new under the sun, I’d never thought […]


Sketchbook Organizing Solution: Evernote

I wanted to follow up on the post I wrote two weeks ago about my sketchbook organizing dilemma. I’m happy to say that thanks to all of your great suggestions, I’ve found the perfect way organize my sketchbooks without having to dismantle them: Evernote! And even better, it’s also provided […]

Crafty Business

RSS Feeds on Probation

Or how I learned to be a better blogger by examining my own reading habits. There are so many amazing craft blogs. And I physically can’t read them all. I leave it up to,, and to keep me up to date on most the amazing things crafting […]

Crafty Business

Crafty Business: Making Progress

Crafty Business: All the ins and outs of running a small, creative one woman business. In the last Crafty Business post, I talked to Kristy Hall about making progress and how feeling like you’ve done “enough” can be elusive. I mentioned my progress report sheet and linked to the pdf. […]

Crafty Business

Me and Photography: a battle to the death

This is something I’ve struggled with ever since I started blogging 4 years ago. Photography. It’s not my strong suit. There are a lot of things that I latch on to and naturally pick up. It clicks. I get it. It’s easy. Photography is not one of those things. We […]

book review

Mix Tape::Vol 10!

I am having such a Mix Tape Crush lately. I was lucky enough to get the last 3 issues of Mixed Tape in the last few weeks, the most recent being Vol 10 just yesterday afternoon. I love that it’s all about the little bits in life – or as […]


The Making of Craft Leftovers Monthly

This issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly has a lot to do with making your own books. Ideas, inspirations, tutorials, resources, and of course my own adventures with putting together my own zine each month. One thing I don’t mention (in full) is how I put together Craft Leftovers Monthly. What […]

book review - journal

Finding My Way with Making a Great Blog

It’s hard for me to admit this, but I’ve been having a dry spell lately with Craft Leftovers. It’s not that I’m not enjoying myself or that I don’t like posting, it’s more like I feel like I’ve lost my internal direction, that no matter how hard I try I […]