
Out of town!

It turns out that I’m going to be leaving out of town right after work tomorrow and will not be able to revamp shop this weekend. Some stuff is backordered and just isn’t going to arrive on time too. I guess everything doesn’t always turn out just right. I’m hoping […]


Good stuff to report… finally!

After many set backs this summer, things are calming down a bit and working themselves out. I took my ibook to the apple store (a day trip really, it’s an hour and a half away) and was confirmed in my fears that it was indeed kaput (not capute, hehe, woops). […]


And the Winners Are….

Grand Prize: Alice for outstanding massive scrap use upSecond Prize: Anary for using all those bits and some yo yo fun!Honorable mentions:Rachel from https://www.notsosuburban.comKimberly from https://artistikdiva.etsy.comLaurieLauren W.Laura from The prizes are as follows:++First Place: $15 gift certificate to the Craft Leftovers Shop; Craft Leftovers Pin Back Button++Second Place: $10 […]


Pinny Stitch Markers

I always get these grandiose ideas about polymer clay. I think I’m going to make these wonderfully maticulous little doo dads… and then nothing. Maybe some mashed up bits, but not much else. Combine that with the fact that I made some earrings a while back and you get 20 […]

embroidery - journal - patterns & tutorials

Crewel Of The Deep

All those yarn strands, just a few yards long are filling up all my little containers and what the heck can you do with those except pitch them in the trash? About a year ago I was introduced to crewel needlework and wouldn’t you know it, it’s the perfect thing. […]



Well… it’s happened again, my sewing machine broke. Seriously though, what was I expecting? The poor little guy just wasn’t made for what I was dishing out on almost a daily basis. Not only is the bobin tension way off, the needle is misaligned, and I’ve over heated the motor […]


Button On Up Necklace

I first came upon this necklace by chance. I was trying to restring a shell necklace that I had purchased while in France. I wore it so often that after 2 years it finally gave out. Well, there was no way I could re-string it in the same way because […]


BlogHer and Stuff

I’m going to talk about the “and stuff” first off so hopefully more people will read it, then I’ll post about Blogher. Okay so first off, in my haste to get the pattern up on Saturday I made a typo and messed up the pdf link. It’s fixed so go […]


509 again!

Okay, I’m so sorry! You folks have exceeded my bandwidth again where I’m hosting the pdf’s for downloading. It’s totally being fixed and we should be a-okay shortly. We doubled it from last time…. I’m pretty amazed really. I’ll let you know when it’s fixed and you can start downloading […]


Hey kiddos

Really quick, here is the link to audio of the panel session: Link. Jennifer of Craft Sanity recorded it. Make sure to check out the rest of her interviews, which rock! I’ll be back with more pictures and such. ps – it is so weird to hear myself talk….

journal - knitting - patterns & tutorials

I Heart Felting

So I finally did it. I felted. I just had to share too of course! This woman at my LYS where I work brought me in her leftovers from all her felting projects and said “I’m not going to use it, does anyone here want it? If not make sure […]


Lunch at the Arts and Crafts Table

It was pretty fun at the Arts and Crafts table today. I got to hang out with Natalie of CRAFTzine, Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood of the Craft Sanity podcast, Lish Dorset of Lish Magic and Handmade Detroit, Dave Coustan, and quite a few others. It was a super fun.. And I’m totally […]


Off to BlogHer!

Hey there folks! I just wanted to pop in and say “hi” before I head off to the Windy City for the BlogHer conference. It should be so much fun! I’m excited and nervous and still in shock that I’m going! I’m almost packed, including: Handmade buttons by my friend […]


Green Prairie Fibers – My other Obsession.

Okay, so I have this other project going on and I thought I would tell you a bit about it. It’s called Green Prairie Fibers. It started out with me playing with natural dyes, which soon became an obsession. I started dyeing more than I could knit and so, I […]


Recycled Blankets into Slippers

Nikkishell from over at SewGreen posted this great tutorial on how to make your own house slippers out of an old wool blanket. I’m sure it could be applied to an old felted up sweater too! Go check it out! I saw it on TreeHugger.


Holy Moly 509!

Okay so sorry about the delay in the pattern download for the hook clutch. I exceeded my bandwidth! Well, you all exceeded my bandwidth! It’s being fixed now and everything should be a-okay soon. I’ve been storing the patterns on the domain space so you can just click to […]


Shop Stuff

Hey folks!Okay, updates finished for now. Horay! I’ve added kits for the summer knit head wrap and some more for pencil clutches. See you all later! Have a good night and keep it crafty!


Shop Updates

The title says it all, more kits in the shop, go check it out. I’ll be adding more tomorrow and I’ll post images then. Have a good night!