howto - journal

Picking the Right Hook and Needles

{Note: I’m totally sick today, so I’m taking the day off. Today’s post was originally published as a guest post for Craftzine in September. Enjoy!} One of the things that many experienced yarnies take for granted is how to know what hook or needles to use for the yarn you […]

fabric - patterns & tutorials

Sewing Pattern: Laundry Bags

I got these plastic bags for christmas and opted to repurpose them as laundry bags. After load 6, they started to rip. It turns out that being made for soft plush light weight pillows = not being able to hold a bazillion pounds of laundry.

All the same, I loved the simple structure of the bags. It would be a snap to whip up more bags made out of more sturdy fair. And, taking a little inspiration from a Target bag, I added a flap with a snap so I can fold them up for storage and keep them in The Laundry Loader I made last year. Once it gets warm again, I think I’ll even stencil the washing symbols on each bag. :)


Good Morning 2010

It’s weird to think it’s the end of the year all ready. I wanted to share a few things with you really quick and then we will get on to your regularly schedule pattern post. First. You guys rock! I went from being newly graduated, to working part time, to […]


Another Mac Update

So this whole Mac dying, then resurrecting has been quite the adventure. And I’m sure you are all really sick of hearing about it, so my last digression from crafty life :) First of all, it really threw my week into chaos. I had to reschedule everything on Monday to […]


My Little Mac Baby is back! WOO!

I have been pretty torn up since I spilt coffee on my macbook yesterday. I went through all the phases of grieving. I was upset with myself. I was upset with the day of lost work and being behind. I cried. I got depressed. I got optimistic and pessimistic and […]


Mourning my MacBook

I’m posting this from Jason’s computer… This morning a tragedy struck our home. I tripped and dumped my coffee right on to the keyboard of my Mac. It clicked off never to be restarted again. Thankfully, Jason has an old PC at the office and we are working on freshening […]

nosew - patterns & tutorials

How To: Pomanders!

Though I’ve always thought pomanders were a great idea, it wasn’t until yesterday that I actually made my own! It was one of the activities at the Winter Art Camp at the Octagon Center for the Arts. I was invited to stay after my activitiy was over and join in […]


Yule Logs @ the Octagon Art Camp

{Beth is the in the middle here and is the art education director at the Octagon. She’s a super talented resourceful artist and it has been a pleasure getting to know her. She is an Ames member too :) } I love helping with art camps at the Octagon! […]

crochet - destash - patterns & tutorials

Free Crochet Pattern: Lanel’s Mitts

I wear fingerless mittens so my fingers can be fidgety while wearing them and warm. It never fails that while I can use my fingers without gloves, my hands are freaking cold. No more. Taking inspiration from my nerdy star trek loving side, I made fingerless mittens that make my hands feel like Riker’s must have while disguised as a Malcorian.


mixtape Giveaway! We have a winner!

Spreading some of that mixtape lovin’! Amy P stated, “I just hear fabulous stuff about Mixtape everywhere I go!” And now she happily will have her very own copy. Hooray for giveaways! I’ll be back a little later today with a free pattern for fingerless, crocheted mittens. See you soon! Kristin

book review - journal

Drawing and Painting: Crafty Buddies

Do you remember awhile ago how I made the Crafty Buddy embroidery set? And the little freebie thimble guy? Well, I’ve had a lot of fun playing around in the studio lately and wanted to show you what I’ve been up to. I have to say, that I really wouldn’t […]

book review

Mail Day! Goodies to watch for in the Mail!

I am such a sucker for mail of any kind, but when it’s as neat and well put together as these two zines, well… I don’t know how to end that sentence, I guess I’m speechless? Love them! Love mail! Swapping is a load of fun and in exchange for […]


Snow Day: Getting Back to the Studio

I am so happy I live in an apartment right now. You know why? I’m bundled in a quilt with a cup of coffee and eating warm spoon fulls of oat bran with apples and honey. Outside my sidewalks are shoveled and my feet are not even wet. When we […]