
Delay by Wii Fit

I did something this morning that I have never done before. Jason and I woke up an hour before Target opened and went and stood in line for a Wii Fit. I couldn’t help myself but to play with it off and on all day… results, I’m sore and worn […]


Make Your Own Light Box

Jason and I built a light box a couple of years ago and used it for a little bit, but then it got shoved into the closet for awhile. Lately (this past month) I’ve become more and more interested in improving my photography skills. They have improved from my earlier […]


Using Used Books Part II

So on monday I covered quite a few ways to get your hands on used books. I had an oversite though, book swaps! Here is a list of the book swaps I rustled up: Book Mooch ++ Bookins ++ WhatsOnMyBookshelf ++ Title Trader ++ Read it Swap it (uk) ++ […]


Using Used Books Part I

Recently I’ve been taken by the idea that how you buy says a lot about how you think. For me, who loves reading, there is no other buying new temptation stronger than a new book. I’m addicted to reading. I’m happy to say out of my much to big library […]


Hump Day!

Some how Wednesday gives me the sense of having gotten a good chunk of the weekdays, yet still having enough time to get the things done I need to before the weekend (which is usually a misguided feeling, but I’m okay with that). I’m taking a swing away from craft […]


Envelope Licking Good!

Avis, over at Avis Designs, shared this great recipe on how to make your own envelope glue. I love her statement “I have been making my own envelope glue for about a year now and I talked to a lot of people at the show about the recipe and how […]


Grand Adventures!

Well the new shop is open and ready for business! Here is a shot of what my new store front looks like! You can visit by heading over to! I’m having a 10% off sale all this week, just enter the coupon code: GrandAdventure to get 10% off your […]


Ha! Happy? Yes!

Long story short I thought I would have most of the afternoon and evening to finish the pattern and get it posted and that is just not at all what happened. Mainly I mixed up my final date and was shocked, horrified, and horribly under prepared when I found out […]


Happy Mother’s Day

So on a grand mother’s day adventure I have decided to drive down to moline, IL and surprise my mom for mother’s day. I had to hold off posting about in fear that she would, in sentemental fashion, read my blog today to ponder about her daughter’s current state of […]


Link Link!

I was looking for crochet stitch patterns today and came across this great site! They have a wonderful selection of free patterns and stitches as well as some nice ones for sale. I downloaded this one and realized, I have no idea how to read a crochet lace chart! (which […]


May Craft Leftovers Monthly – Sold Out!!!!

It’s that time of the month again! Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop! Check it out here. It will be on sale until Friday, April 25th and sent out Thursday, May 1st! There are only 15 subscriptions available Wowee! There are only 2 left! so make sure to pick […]


Good news!

Hey there everyone! I just wanted to let you know a couple of good things. First, the May issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly will be going on sale this Sunday, April 20th! Hooray! It’s going to be all about summer fun and crafting in the sun… the soon to be […]


A contest and some updates!

For the last month I have been having, close to, weekly contests for packages of craft leftover goodies. I have decided to move the contest to the blog since I won’t be posting as frequently. The last question was: What was Elizabeth Zimmerman’s first pattern published and when? So the […]


For the next two months…..

Craft Leftovers is going to have to take a back burner, until dinner is nice and ready. Over the past couple of weeks of trying to make an impossible schedule work, I have realized it’s impossible. I just have too many obligations with 4 studio classes, 3 different shows, and […]


Happy Easter!

Hi there! I just wanted to tell you all happy Easter! See you all next weekend! ps – There was no pattern this weekend because it’s my putting clm together weekend. I posted about it before, but I will try to be a good cl host and post a reminder/link […]


April Craft Leftovers Monthly!

I’m really super excited about April’s clm because it’s my birthday month! I really love to give presents on my birthday more than get them. I always love little party favors and door prizes. It’s just more fun to spread the birthday giving spirit around more so than keep it […]


Marchy Things

Hi there folks! I just wanted to let you all know a few things.First off I’ve finally updated the Pattern Archive to reflect the most recent patterns and secondly I’ve added a few new links to the Abbreviation and Links page. If you know of any good sites for free […]


March Craft Leftovers Monthly in the Shop

Get your’s today! See more pictures in the Craft Leftovers Flickr Pool. This issue is really fun. I had a good time thinking of different patterns, recipes, and tips for that transitional time of winter finalllllly going into spring. As the cover says “the sun is moving back in”. Even […]


I’m an idiot

So I forgot my laptop charger at home while dashing out the door and of course my computer died before I could get the pattern up. Geeze. It will go up tomorrow when I get home first thing. Sorry! Geeze.


Classes Suspended

A few things. Thank you so much to everyone who commented with their warm wishes and caring thoughts. When I wrote the post I was still feeling okay. It’s strange how much things sink in over time. I’ve been okay, but still more shaken than I originally thought. I was […]