book review - journal

Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts – Amigurumi

I’ve had the desire to learn how to crochet amigurumi for quite some time. I keep imagining all the cut little softies to be made and had and how great it would be for little scraps and just so cute. So cute all the time. I have picked up and […]


Knitting like a Knitting Machine

Knitting Machines have interested me ever since learning to knit. The speed, the ease, the speed. Is it really easy though? And is it really actually fast? Well both of those things depend on two things. What you are making and what machine you are making it on. Jason in […]


It’s 10pm and I’m still sewing

I just wanted to let you know that I was called in to work early today and it kind of threw the balance of my little crafterdom. So I got home and cleaned, then started cutting and sewing fabric. I’m still sewing. And I think I could get the pattern […]


Apartment Redress :: Laundry Days Part III

Today I set out to make the frame of the laundry hamper. It went pretty smoothly, except it turned out kind of huge! Haha. I think I’ll cut it down a little bit. I’m thinking about making the depth smaller, like 1 foot instead of a 1 1/2′. It just […]


Friday Night Hello

Hey there folks! I just want to post a quick note to let you know that I just finished up the pattern for this weekend, but I need to get a nice finished shot of it. Well, it’s 11:15pm so it’s just not going to happen this evening. It will […]


Apartment Redress :: Laundry Days

Our bedroom was in order. Now it’s not. What happened? Laundry. Simple as that. We have no place to put anything as far as the laundry goes (from the laundry itself to the detergent bottle lying on the floor next to it). Well, the times are a changing, we need […]


We Have a Winner!

I’m happy to announce by random selection Meg is the winner of this month’s postal give away! I mixed the post up, fanned them out, and Jason picked one with his eyes closed. She gets to pick out any item she wants from the shop and I send it to […]

journal - patterns & tutorials

Hattery Round Up

Thinking of Christmas Crafting lately? I know I sure am. I see many many hats and scarves in my future, haha. I’ve been trying to find hat patterns that I like that would be quick to knit, that are good for stash and leftover yarn, and look super nice that […]


Hi ya folks!

I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I won’t be posting tonight. I’ve been trying to edit photos for the post and nothing is working. Photoshop is being really buggy. I think my poor computer is as tired as I am. The good […]

howto - journal

How To :: Making Butterfly Bobbins

I first learned how to make these great little bobbins in my beginning weaving class at Northern Illinois University. They are great for weaving, especially tapestry weaving, but also when working brocade on the floor loom. The thing is, they are great for knitting and crochet and pretty much any […]


Delay of Game

I just wanted to post really quick to let you know that I won’t be getting the pattern up until tomorrow night. I didn’t realize that they would have me filling in so soon and I am working tomorrow at 8am, so again I need to be up at 6:30. […]

journal - redress

Apartment Redress :: Lamp Remake

Lamps are expensive. This one is free and in our possession already. It’s not half bad either, just a little, well…. “out dated”, not in a fun funky interesting vintage way either. Jason also needs a lamp for his work area, but this one isn’t so great because the shade […]


A Postal Giveaway & a winner!

The last Give Away was for two issues of CRAFTzine (vol. 07 & 08). And well, I only had one entry! Haha. I’m not sure what happened because the last giveaway had a dozen or so entries. That’s okay. It must have just been lost in all the posting I’ve […]


An Update and a Note

Well, really they are one and the same in a way of cause and effect. And Update: I’ll be posting the pattern for today, tomorrow afternoon.