Crafty Business

20 Ways to Make Crafts Pay

Annette of CraftStew wrote up a great article on how to earn money from Crafts – ideas for businesses and income flows. She writes: “With today’s problematic economy, folks everywhere are searching for alternative ways to bring in extra income.  For crafters, our hobby provides an obvious source of extra cash. Four popular […]


How to Tuesdays on Craft: blog!

Jenny Ryan has been showcasing some great tutorials every Tuesday. This last Tuesday’s post had to do with using up long strips of fabric by making them into beautiful necklaces. The tutorial is complete with how to add in the metal chain and clasps too! [link] Long skinny strips have […]


Camera Strap Redo

While walking around San Francisco it struck me how much my camera looked like everyone else’s on the street. Lame. My nikon was no different from every other camera toting tourist. I think my camera deserves better than that. I mean, after all, it’s through its lens that all my […]


Polymer clay happy time!

I’m not sure if you remember, but awhile ago I posted a quick tutorial on how to make your own polymer clay croissants. Since then I have had many other little fun pastries floating around my studio. It’s so fun and easy to play around with clay when I’m feeling […]


CraftyPod:: Why do you make things?

Sister Diane of the CraftyPod went around the maker’s faire and asked quite a few makers why they make things – including me! It’s so interesting to hear everyones reasons and stories. She’s just put it into a podcast for all of us to listen to. Go check it out […]

book review

Drawing your life and 75 ways to draw more!

This is a great little zine on drawing I came across. I think on The Art of Nonconformity. It’s called 75 Ways to Draw More and was made by Michael Nobbs. The really great thing about this, besides it’s fun content and illustrations, is that you can either purchase it […]


Legacy Thrift Shop Sebastopol

Oh the lovely Legacy thrift shop in Sebastopol California! One of my readers replied to my call to meet up with me in San Francisco, well, not really SF, but actually she suggested that I come visit her town and she could show me around her favorite craft shop. And […]


The Making of Craft Leftovers Monthly

This issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly has a lot to do with making your own books. Ideas, inspirations, tutorials, resources, and of course my own adventures with putting together my own zine each month. One thing I don’t mention (in full) is how I put together Craft Leftovers Monthly. What […]


And the Winner is!

Bridget of Portland is the proud new owner of Re-Construct :: Eco Friendly Crafts Made Easy! Thank you so much for participating in the mail in giveaway. She used a standard sized note card for her post card (great idea!) and wrote: “OHH! OOOH! I WANT ME A RECONSTRUCT DVD! […]

clm - journal - vol 1

July issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly!

Issue number 22 is on it’s way! Sign up for a three month subscription starting with the July issue. Do you love handmade books and playing with paper? Well, this issue is packed full of ideas on how to make, design, and play with making your own books. There are […]


Hello Iowa!

Strange as it is to be back in town, it’s really nice. It’s quite here. And it smells good. Well, not right now though because I cleaned out the frig and it was filled with moldy chicken/brats/veggies —– GROSS! But last night when I got out of car well after […]


Free How To’s from All Things Paper

Ann from All Things Paper sent me links to three great tutorial that she has put together and are free for us to use and make! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On Folding Trees :: Filigree Pendants On Heart Handmade :: Fringed Flower Card On All Things Paper :: Simple Filigree Flower Card […]


On Holiday

Well, as prompted by Carolyn here I am to give you a quick update on what has happened after the Maker Faire. You can read about all of it here on the Kro Studio Blog and you can see all the photos that are making up my trip here on […]


Maker Faire :: Rounding Up the Weekend

The original plan was to post each day, but honestly, I was so exhausted at the end of each day that I just came home and passed out. It was a ton of fun and I want to share that with you now that I’ve recovered. We changed up the […]