howto - journal - patterns & tutorials

Saving a Paint Brush from Becoming a Paint Stick

Working on the mural reminded me of my first painting professor and of the importance of brush cleaning. After 50 different people worked on the mural (awesome) all our brushes were trashed. Paint up the handles, crusted, dirty, and half dry. Is there any coming back from that? We had about 10 nicer brushes and some fine tipped brushes of mine that I was intent on saving from being paint sticks.

thrift kitchen

Thrift Kitchen: 7 Steps to Keeping the Fridge Clean

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Now that I’m out of “half past overwhelmed” mode, I’m getting back to my weekly routine of cleaning out the fridge, finishing off any leftovers, and making up my grocery list. What I did with the fridge was the first step. Once you deep clean it, a weekly trash and swipe down will keep it clean for a very long time.


New on Craft Leftovers: Posts, Website, Shop

I’m so excited about all the fun things I have in store for us over the next few months. I have all these ideas for Craft Leftovers that I’ve been having to jot down and set aside until a later date because of the mural, move, book deal combo breaker that has been in the works for the last 6 months. It’s so good to be back. Ahhh, nice sigh of relief.

This was the last “getting on the same page/catch up/updates” post. I think we are all square. Now let’s get down to cleaning out the fridge (tomorrow’s post) and the best way to rescue paint caked brushes (on friday).


Swapping on Swap-bot

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I’ve been swapping and loving it! Read about what I’ve scored, what swaps I’m in, 5 great reasons to participate in a swap if you are a creative blogger, and help me set up the newest addition to Craft Leftovers – a monthly swap!

crochet - patterns & tutorials

Crochet Pattern: Sunny Skies Sun Hat

I love working in my garden in the summer, but after about 10am it becomes blistering hot. This hat is made out of a grass like material called raffia and keeps the sun off your head, ears, and neck. At the same time keeping you cool by letting the breeze through the open stitch work.

Working with Raffia can be challenging to work with unless you know a few simple tricks that will make it slide off the hook. In this pattern I keep you right on track.

journal - thrift kitchen

Quick Treat: Chocolate Strawberry Yogurt

Strawberries are just starting to come into season around Iowa. You can get a huge gallon container for just $4. Usually that’s the cost of a pint. Unfortunately, a gallon is way too much for Jason and I to eat. I’ve been trying to come up with enough ideas to use them up before they go bad, things that can freeze and are healthy. Sure I could whip them all into strawberry tarts, but how many of those should I be eating?

Crafty Business

Finally Past the Yeses from Last Year

Back in February I posted about how I was saying “maybe” to everything as a way to retrain that unfortunate “yes” reflex. I had some really good points, especially about how when I over commit I’m not doing anyone a favor. If I’m so over booked, I can’t follow through. […]


Rounding it Up: Playing Catch Up Part 2

Yesterday I started catching back up with work and part of that is getting back into the crafty groove. You know, what’s been going on in the blog-o-sphere while I was out of commission. I covered my Saving Money Catagory, Creative Folks, Art/Design Stuff, and part of the Craft category. […]


Rounding it up: Playing Catch Up Part 1

The past two months have been an absolute whirlwind of that combo I’m always talking about: exhilarating and exhausting. With the completion of the mural on Sunday night, it is now time to get caught up and get my life back in order. I cleaned like a mad woman all […]

wardrobe redress

Fixing up my pants, buttons, shirts

A big part of the wardrobe redress project is to fix up the clothes I love, so I don’t feel obligated to wear the clothing I don’t love because they are in better condition. This week I tackled my mending basket and fixed up three of my favorite items.

journal - thrift kitchen

Thrift Kitchen: From Martha to my kitchen


Last week I got my act together and made a meal plan. I checked out the April issue of Everyday Foods and found this tasty little recipe for Mediterranean Chicken. Only problem is that when I bought the chicken for the recipe, I was headed to work. So I stashed it in the freezer at the office and forgot to take it home. Well, crap. Jason was at the gym and in possession of the car.


Painting a Mural: The largest WIP in my life!

I spent 4 months of planning, stressing, getting things approved, talking to the right people, researching, and drawing. Last Saturday was the kick off of the largest project I have ever executed in my life: a 12’x80′ mural! This project is large in it’s physical size, but also in the […]

clm - journal - vol2

Summer Craft Leftovers Monthly

The summer is finally here! And so is the summer issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly. This fun May/June combo issue is now available for pre-sale in the shop and will be shipped out May 10th, 2010. Why pre-order? Well, because you get a special discounted price. Pick up the Summer […]