fabric - patterns & tutorials

Sleepy Ferret Hammock :: Free Sewing Pattern!

Sponsor Mr Beuler Ferrets are cute and cuddly, mischievous, and above all else: sleepers! They sleep for about 16 hours a day and are only awake for 8 hours – and that’s when they are young. Beuler – my old man ferret whose 6 now – is only awake for 2 -4 hours each day. It’s important that they have good places to sleep during those long hours. They will curl up just about anywhere, but hammocks are great because they keep the light out, are soft, warm, and good for snuggling in.


Craft Leftovers Challenge + Charity!

This month’s Craft Leftovers Monthly I wrote an article about Springing into Action and how charity knitting/crochet/sewing is a great way to make an impact in people’s lives who are having a hard time, make a dent in your stash, and in general feel better about yourself. The original plan […]

howto - journal

Starching Lace for Non-Traditional Reasons

I’ve been overly fascinated by crochet lately and have started to use it more and more in my paintings.  I’ve working on this particular piece and while I want the crochet to be flat across the painting I do not want a lot of tension on the sides of the […]


Final Fling with the Spring Fling Skirt

At last week’s Sewing Rebellion I finished cutting the pieces for my Spring Fling Skirt. And today I finally put it all together. I decided not to include the lace. And I think I messed up the pattern a bit. I didn’t realize that the facing, was (cough) facing and […]


Lainie’s Tote :: A fresh perspective!

Jennifer of The Fairy Mum was kind enough to send me a link to her blog post about making Lainie’s Tote for her own kiddos! (I love seeing finished projects for the pattern I put out there and how people alter them, it makes me so happy!) I can’t grab […]


Crafty Business :: Setting Up the Day

Having your own home based business has many challenges to it and, unfortunately there is no perfect solution to any issue. Every home situation is it’s own environment and has its own dynamic. And each home business owner has their own experiences and tendencies – both good and bad. I […]


Lost in Space :: Server Suckage End in Sight

I’m not sure if anyone noticed the lack of current posts, or that they were there and now they aren’t and then they came back again. Well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the server finally moved to its new physical space […]


Make Your Own Drawing Charcoal

Let’s face it, art supplies are expensive. And at first look, sure charcoal seems to be on the low end of things – but I blow through a stick and a half for each drawing I do, sometimes more and sometimes less. Today I was digging around on how to […]

Crafty Business

Crafty Business :: The Start of a New Series

Lately, since February really, I’ve been unofficially, officially self employed. It happened so gradually. I just kind of phased out anything that wasn’t “my own project” and now, I’m sitting here and I realize, it’s just my projects on my plate now. It’s so exhilarating. And, honestly, a little scary. […]


Delay of… Everything! Flick off my Own Finger!

Hi ya folks! I just wanted to give you all an update on the ol’ hand O. It’s doing pretty good, but is general throbbing and gross looking – bandages came off today to clean it up for the first time since getting stitched up. I feel like flicking off […]


Studio Safety :: Keeping all my fingers on my hand

This morning I had the awesome pleasure of getting acquainted with my local ER staff, haha. I cut my finger with the rotary cutter and I yelled a whole lot and immediate clapped my hand around it to stop the bleeding.  And then when I looked at the actual cut, […]


Winner of the Button it Up mail in contest!

And the winner of the Button it up Mail in contest (by completely random selection by Jason) is Brendalea of Prpldy! Check out her Etsy shop here and her blog here. In response to the question of what she likes to with buttons she wrote: “I love to make jewelry […]

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Craft Leftovers Monthly :: April!

Hooray Hooray Hooray! The April Issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop today! It’s super crazy awesome and there are only 15 subscriptions available, so pick your’s up today! OH and because it’s my birthday in April, get 20% off when you order a gift for a subscription […]


Craftzine Mending Month!

Being that I am all about mending and using what you have on hand for as long as you can, I was really excited about CraftZine’s March Mending Month. I know after a long winter of hard use a lot of my winter clothes need some repairs before putting them […]


Spring Fling :: Part II

Of course the first step of any pattern is getting your measurements correct. Using the Measure for Measure section, I pin pointed my size as a medium.