I’ve been lurking on petfinder.com since Jak passed. I’ve wanted a dog for so long and I was feeling a bit like fate sucker punched with me Jak – here’s this awesome super sweet dog…. who just happens to only have 9 months to live. I missed having a dog […]
Rest in Peace Jak Jak Parr
Update: The afternoon of writing the last post Jak was diagnosed with late stage luekemia. It completely took us all by surprise, but actually made a lot of sense with all the issues we’ve had since his adoption. Lethargic, anorexia, nausea. Because its one of those generalized chronic issues, it’s […]
Jak Super Sick, many delays, updates later.
This month has been one little twist after another and it seems extremely fitting, that the issue that has Jak on the cover is also the issue to which he caused delay. I was planning on telling you the story of Jak’s illness and recovery and announcing the newest issue […]
The Sketchbook Project + a Coupon Code
Last year I signed up for the Sketchbook Project – and only started three drawings, and didn’t finish a single one. I felt like an epic failure. Me, I draw all the time (or so I thought), not able to finish filling out my sketchbook. I fill a sketchbook no […]
Welcome & Hello!
Hi all! If you’re stopping by the blog for the first time after seeing the booth at Renegade, I just wanted to say “hello” and show you around a bit. I know there was a lot to check out at Renegade and you most like did what I do in […]
Craft Leftovers at Renegade!
I’m super excited about this weekend’s Renegade Holiday Sale in Chicago and I hope I’ll get to meet at least a few of you that live in the area! You can find me at Booth #80 on the first floor. I’ll be selling loads of zines! Singles of all all […]
Making a Meal Plan so it works for you
Thrift Kitchen Each Thursday I post about ways to be thrifty in the kitchen. To me, it isn’t just about being cheap, it’s about living creatively! The ArtVend, our Wedding, and vacation have all conspired to bring my excellent meal making and budgeting to a screeching halt. We have been […]
Planets align to bring three craft bloggers together!
You all know how it is to have online friends. People you admire, get along with great, would love to hang out with all the time, but they live on the other side of the country? We have these dynamic social networks online, but our day to day can be […]
Vacationing: Visiting the Local Craft Stores
As you all know, and I’m sure many of you are dealing with the same issues as me, I’m working hard to use up all my leftovers and stash and in general not going willy-nilly in the craft store impulse buying up things I don’t really need for current projects. […]
Getting Ready to Tri – Triathlon that is!
The past two years have been a long journey for me. Sure the wedding was a huge thing. As was finishing my first book. Buying our house and moving. Getting a dog and a kitten. There was that 80 foot mural. Oh yeah and a second community art project, the […]
WIP: Cozy Colorful Plethora of Pillows!
Since we purchased our first piece of grown up furniture I’ve really been wanting to make some pillows for it. Dashes of colors, coziness, and diy goodness. Now that I’ve finished the daybed too, we are in dire need of some extra piles of cozy around here. And I have […]
We’re Married! Hyho! I’m a wife.
{amazing photography by our friend David Gardner – who is also a web developer of great talent} After months of planning and many an all nighter, we finally had our big day and it was truly amazing. We had the most un-seasonally perfect weather right after a cold snap – […]
October CL Swap!
It’s been awhile since the last swap and I know I’m ready to change up some of my stash! And here’s where I go into info-mercial mode: Are you tired of working with the same fabrics, papers, and yarn? Is your stash a little “blah?” Could your fabric use a […]
Late Summer Issue: Craft Leftovers Monthly Zine + 4 years of zine making!
The newest issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop today and it happily marks 4 years of making this fun zine! Can you believe that? Four years of zine making and I’m still loving it as much as that first issue. To mark this great event, get 40% […]
New Look, new Series, and new shop items!
Hi all! Thanks so much for bearing with me while I updated the look and feel of the website. I had a couple of css explosions and some fun php screw ups. If you notice anything funky going on, please shoot me an email at kristin [at] craftleftovers [dot] com. […]
Site Update
Hi all, it’s about that time of year again where I get fidgety and want to revamp the site. But instead of just being fidgety about the way the site looks, this revamp it’s comes with additional exciting news. Starting this week, Craft Leftovers is my one and only blog. […]
Crafting for those in Need: Pencil Clutches
I’m part of a really great local arts group called Ames Collaborative Art, we like to call ourselves Ames C.art. Each month we get together for what we call Creative Collision. Basically, we flood a local coffee shop, bring some kind of portable project, and hang out for a few […]
Mend it Better: Coming Soon!
I didn’t even know it, but my book is officially up on Storey’s site as “coming soon!” as of last week. Thanks to @staciemakedo who clued me in to this exciting news. Here is the run down on the book according to their site. Those marketing folks at Storey sure […]
Stash bust: Backsliding!
Oh no, no, no! Since my last stash bust post my little tile room full of crafting supplies has become the dumping ground for a million different piles of things from my studio, office, and around the house. We were having company and needed the living areas to look more […]
Sample Sunday
I had been hearing rumors of “sample sunday” for the last few months. Just a half hour away, a mini herb farm, Prairieland Herbs, hosted a monthly event where local makers and producers came and gave samples to those who came by. And just up the road, another lovely local […]