journal - little woods homestead

Gardening Gains

It’s been a long time coming, but I think this year, maybe just maybe I finally have it. I created a bed just for the strawberries and plopped the strawberry tower of power in the center. I planted strawberries all around it in the hopes that the runners would propagate […]

little woods homestead - thrift kitchen

Making Horseradish Sauce!

Ah, delicious. Kind of. Horseradish is powerful stuff. It burns through your nose in a flash and then it’s gone. It’s unlike any other “hot”. Last spring I planted a few cuttings of it in a secluded bed that’s hopefully sectioned off enough to keep it from spreading everywhere. I […]

round up

Using the Harvest: Green Tomato Round Up

      I’m facing down 6 tomato plants FULL of green tomatoes this week. And other than fried green tomatoes, I couldn’t honestly think of anything to do with them. I put the task to google and found 6 recipes I’m hoping to try out sometime this week and depending […]

round up

DIY Plant Markers

I like it best when round ups are arranged around a theme, so I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to do from now on. And today, Plant Markers Tutorials is it! I’ve been in need of plant markers for not just the herb garden, but all my veggies too. I’m […]

thrift kitchen

Renewing the Thrift Kitchen

In the beginning, Thrift Kitchen started out as its own separate blog. I realized pretty quickly that a lot of the people who were reading Thrift Kitchen we also reading Craft Leftovers. And I also realized that posting about home-y stuff once a week was really all I wanted to […]


WIP: Kate Mitchell Mural!

I have a huge WIP to share with you this week: a 24′ long mural! A little shy of a month ago I was hired to design and paint a mural for an elementary school. It was in honor of their successful community garden and the idea was to kick […]

little woods homestead

Winter Indoor Garden: A sprout of hope!

This year I’m making a preemptive strike on the winter blues. The seedlings will all be green and wonderful by the time we are a foot under snow. Ha. Take that Iowa winter. We planted these sweet little seeds on Tuesday, and today, sprouts! Just two. And you can barely see them.

little woods homestead - redress

Little Woods Homestead Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated you on the status of the “farm”, so I thought I would take this week where I’m focusing all my creativity on getting the next zine finished and out the door, to show you around a bit and give you the updates.

Backyard Chickens

howto - patterns & tutorials

How to: Build a Pea Teepee

I actually planted my peas according to my planting schedule for the first time ever and they have done great. So great that they are in some need of support before they turn into a tangle and smother each other right out of production.

book review

Little Woods Homestead: New Garden Journal

A little known fact is that I’ve had miserable luck as a gardener. And the thing is, that up until this year, I left a lot of it up to luck. I’d plant things whenever, wherever. Even though I knew such casual practice would lead to casual results. Well this […]

clm - vol 3

Craft Leftovers Zine: Volume 3: Issue 3!

It’s finally here! The third issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly is in the shop along with the third edition of Leftover Christmas!

Get this month’s issue in the shop

This month’s issue is all about spring turning to summer–gardening, cleaning up, and allergies! I don’t know about you, but my nose is going nuts with all the pollen around here.

thrift kitchen

Home Again: Looking Back and Looking Forward

I loved my room at the Porches. It was a little oasis where people picked up after me for a change, coffee was delivered in the morning along with croissants and cream.

But, by the end of the week I was so ready to be home. I missed home cooked meals and being able cuddle with the cats. I missed the daily walks with Jak and working out with Jason–and just hanging out with him in general.

book review

Book Review: A Dyer’s Garden by Rita Buchanan

Not that many years ago I was naturally dyeing yarn on a small scale to sell in my etsy shop Green Prairie Fibers. I love natural dyeing in all of its aspects–collecting, fermenting, straining, the smells, the surprise of colors from unexpected sources, and the beautiful fusing of chemistry, cooking, […]


Winter Harvest: Lettuce, Seedlings, and Home Brew!

Jason and I are having a load of fun lately with starting up our own indoor garden and playing around with home brewing. Me, well, I just needed some green in my life. And, like I talk about at the end of today’s post, learning new things and spending time […]